Self Care & Wellness
The information in this Self Care and Wellness section has been divided into 3 parts: Taking Care of Self, Self Matters, and Health!
Start with What You Eat ~
It’s amazing how a small step taken can lead to remarkable results! Swap out that bagel for fruit in the morning. Eat two parts vegetables, one part something else. Time for an attitude adjustment? Think, you are in charge of your life. Remove all negative self talk, replace it with something positive. Breathe from your belly, anytime, any place and often! Learn walking, sitting, standing meditation. Smile more! Turn off your devices once in a while!
Move a Little More ~
It doesn’t have to be much, just a little more. If you work at your desk all day, get up and move around. Can’t take a break, take one anyway…walk around the block – and not when you’re running an errand for work. Look up and breathe. Feeling a little tense, drop your shoulders, it works every time (this will also help you stay warmer if you’re in freezing AC conditions, it takes a lot more energy to shiver). Try this, look down so your chin reaches your neck, look up straight ahead, then turn your head from left to right, and then in a circular motion, slowly. You know this, though if you’re like me, probably not doing it enough…With your hands by your side, shake ’em out from your fingers and hands all the way up to your shoulders…raise your hands way above your head as safely as they can go, (I’m not a doctor, take medical advice if needed before doing this [smile])…shake from your fingers and hands back down to your shoulder. Breathe deeply.
Mind Tricks that Work ~
Say “Yes” more…Laugh at yourself as often as possible today…see how you feel at the end of the day…
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