Here’s how I quit smoking, reduced my weight, lowered my blood pressure and improved my general health.
Along with the usual trials of quitting, then starting again, quitting then starting again, with every tried and true method in the book, I quit smoking primarily with one thing and the few good words. The book, “Change Your Brain Change Your Body” by Daniel G. Amen, M.D. is what did it, along with some words from a very special pulmonary specialist my regular doctor referred me to. I do not think to this day that the gears could have shifted without the information from this book, or those wise words. It gave me the support to actually accomplish it concretely. The author basically takes you around in a place and lets you know in essence, none of that really matters because it’s your brain telling you to do this thing or that. Everything comes from, your brain. Now how did I learn about this book? It’s such a compelling story. One of my colleagues had been working with people from an amazingly wide spectrum, a very seasoned person who knew the in’s and out’s of group process, what might keep people interested, that sort of thing. We’ll he described learning about this book and his interests in doing something with it. It sounded exciting to me, just the concept alone and in support of the plan bought the book myself. It sat on my shelf for a while. I was learning more about the start of the process and ins and outs of how things were going. Soon though, I was hearing that the numbers of participation remained high, and grew. This continued for some time, and, and this is a huge plus, there were discussions about an extension of sorts to continue. The reports were that people were ready ahead of time to attend. Well, you know what I was going to do! I picked up this book and started reading it, and oh my goodness…
The premise, it’s your brain, so just as it is your brain, you can tell it what to do or not to do. It’s your brain telling your hands, to reach for that cigarette, light it and smoke it. It’s, your brain that can instruct it not to too! Hmm, well then. There’s a lot more to this book too, it is transforming, and the tile is the message. I do recommend getting it, very, much. Now granted, I did have additional supports also, the wonderful pulmonary specialist had a few impactful words, like, “…what’s ailing you? So you’re going to let xyz kill you?” Hmm, well then, I think not! And I used the patch.
A couple of tips around the supports if you’re a smoker and trying to quit. If you try the gum, do not chew it like it’s “gum” it will give you gas and hiccups, and not normal hiccups either. Chew them exactly as written on the package. Also, since the nicotine is entering your system through a mucus membrane, it goes to your brain faster and because your chewing it longer than you would be having a cigarette, your system can feel like it’s getting flooded. That’s because it probably is. I know my legs felt heavy at times, especially when climbing stairs (and not the usual you’re out of shape heavy). I’m sure it matters weight and all, which is why it’s good to check with a doctor, (check anyway) though a weighted feeling can occur if you’re chewing way too much – just sharing from my experience. The patches. Well, the type of adhesive might make a difference for you. My partner and I had very different responses and I had a different response from the clear adhesives vs the non-clear adhesives as well as the store bought brands, vs the Nicoderm patch. I would suggest getting the Nicoderm patch. The cost is less than what the actual cost of the cigarettes are over time, and you’re worth dropping the extra dollars for. These were also the values my pulmonary specialist sorta smacked me in my forehead with. The store bought brand’s issue for me was the adhesive glue. The patch I imagine is still the patch, but the glue, at least for me, it’s a path if you could avoid, do. If it is not possible to avoid, give it a try it may work out differently for you. The newer versions may have corrected for this, this was some time ago. Also, where you live may have a program going that you can sign up for where they provide patches along with a support program that are free. The lozenges work really well for some, excellent for my partner in fact. They gave me the hiccups. Wellbutrin is a tried and true medication that works also. I took it a few times, combined with the patch, it helped me stop for 6 months and as you know every day counts. What made things stick for me though? “Change Your Brain…”
Okay, so then I quit smoking, and low and behold, the next thing happens, me who’s never had a weight problem, and was an athlete, put on 20 lbs. Now it was a slow process, granted, pants starting to fit a little funny, having a funny sensation of feeling the backs of my arms hit the sleeve of my blouse, funny stuff happening below my chin when I look down to read something, some extra dimensions being added to my cheek bones… It got to the point where I couldn’t wear the same things I was wearing, comfortably. I told my brain, I’d rather be overweight than smoking and it listened. Right. Then I started noticing that from time to time, I felt dizzy, and faint. After some time, and probably too much time, when I realized I wasn’t faint because I didn’t have lunch that day, or I was just a little wiped out, it was something else, I went to the doctor. I learned that I had high blood pressure.
What?? I had been told by another doctor a year earlier that it was a little high. This doctor, the strict one that I went back to because of that, said, “You can’t have a little high blood pressure, either you have it or you don’t.” Yeah, I know. She proceeded to check both arms, a few times, and said you have high blood pressure.” I said “…so what are the symptoms of this, and what are the effects?” She said, “That is the million dollar question. That is why it is the silent killer. You could just drop from this.” Well now, and then and okay. She said she would start me on a low dose of medication. Now, I’m thinking, oh yeah and this is the start, and that drug will interfere with this, and be connected to that and my blood and my heart, and I know where all this is going. But, I had to give it a try. I also had to have a swift change in my diet because I was used to you know, just eating whatever I wanted, a juicy burger and fries, loved a chef salad for lunch and after all that was a salad, burrito’s, cheesy things, salt, salt, salt, salt, salt, not that I ever put salt on things, well okay, just a little, but knew better not to reach for it, usually. Didn’t matter, it’s in the food whether you put it there or not (more on this at another time). I ended up on two different types of medications, since my doctor explained that if I start having this or that type of symptom, I think it was a cough, I have to tell her because the medication would need to be changed, to by the way, another medication she did not want to put me on for other side effect reasons. So, I will do what I must to take care of myself and I was on my way to acceptance of this fate, until the brain connection hit me. I thought, well, maybe there’s more, and I knew there was, more that I could be doing to bring this thing down, and keep it down. I had already bought myself a blood pressure monitor and was already changing my diet. What if, I continued to do things that would:
1)…significantly reduce my salt (sodium) intake (which wasn’t high I didn’t think to begin with until I read the back of labels and was completely floored by the sodium counts)
2)…reduce and watch portion sizes
3)…eat more vegetables (replace starch with another vegetable for 2 parts vegetables) and
4)… exercise more (that was a stretch). I did commit to doing more of what I usually do which is take every opportunity to turn something into an exercise, or a stretch whenever possible.
I lost those 20 lbs and lowered my blood pressure.
The other thing I reduced, all with simple influences from the book was stress. I had been meditating on a off for years, learned to do it anywhere, on a bus, or a train. Though I was inconsistently practicing it, I could always, always, without a doubt feel the difference before, after and in a kind of general way, more often if I have had a nice period of consistency at it. The author in addition to 16 different ways to calm stress, offers a way of meditating based on the Kundalini Yoga form called Kirtan Kriya. It’s a meditation where you say “sa,” “ta,” “na,” “ma,” while touching your thumb to your index finger and say “sa,” next your thumb to your middle finger and say, “ta,” next your thumb to your ring finger and say “na,” and lastly, your thumb to your pinky while saying “ma.” This is based on what is called the “five primal sounds” with the “aa” at the end of each sound, being considered the “fifth sound.” This is done out loud for 2 minutes, in a whisper for 2 minutes, in silence for 4 minutes, in a whisper for 2 minutes and out loud for 2 minutes. This meditation technique, and in combination with other easy to think about and incorporate tip really helped to reduce my stress levels and calmed me down right before stressful situations.
How did it work? The author describes using “…brain SPECT imaging” right at the beginning of the book which provides a visual image of a persons brain health. Over the years he learned what helped, what didn’t and wrote a book, including action steps to take to improve our over all (and it is wonderfully comprehensive) health. How effective is the book? I stopped smoking, lost the 20lbs, changed my eating habits (significantly and for someone who LOVES to eat, this is truly remarkable, along with, seriously, quitting smoking), have kept my blood pressure low, with normal readings, and generally healthier. So, in addition to the first person that told me about this book and all the people who I learned were using it, we gave it as a gift to the heads of the households for both our immediate families and that’s nine sets.
The China Study is another book that is simply outstanding. My partner and I were in a bookstore looking up healthy eating cookbooks and a person we didn’t know approached us and said “if you want a good book to read about food and health, you need to get “The China Study.” When a stranger in a store tells you to buy something, it’s worth looking into. I did and this was so worth it. So much so, I cut red meat out of my diet. Okay, so I’ve had burger(s) on two occasions since getting this book. One at my favorite diner, and the other at a place called “White Manor” and if you’ve ever eaten there you know. But seriously, this book is about the effects of many of the foods we eat and is by far the most comprehensive examination of this material I’ve ever seen and I haven’t read the whole thing in it’s entirety. Yes, I would really much rather have read the entire book, before putting this in a summary format on this website as my recommendation, but it’s that good. Quoted from the words of John Robbins, author of “Diet for a New America, Reclaiming our Health and The Food Revolution” in the forward…
“The inescapable fact is that certain people are making an awful lot of money today selling foods that are unhealthy. They want to you to keep eating the foods they sell, even though doing so makes you fat, depletes your vitality and shortens and degrades your life. They want you docile, compliant and ignorant. They do not want you informed, active and passionately alive, and they are willing to spend billions of dollars annually to accomplish their goals.” …Dr. Campbell’s new book—The China Study—is a great ray of light in the darkness of our times, illuminating the landscape and the realities of diet health so clearly, so fully, that you need never again fall prey to those who profit from keeping you misinformed, confused and obediently eating the foods they sell.”
Another tip around food. Cut your order in or take out food consumption by half or more. Bring homemade food to work for lunch instead of ordering. A salad filled with all your favorite things to eat is a good start. Make it colorful and exciting to eat! I like to put beets and corn in mine when I can. The whole salad I like to make consists of, spinach, red onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, green apple, beets, corn and feta cheese. If you choose a low fat dressing, which they are making very yummy these days. Cutting out the cheese will help any weight issues and try not to add bread. Ladies, cutting out bread in the morning will reduce 5 lbs. a week. For some reason for us, breads convert immediately into glucose (sugar). Try yogurt or chopped fruit and yogurt with granola sprinkled on top. They’re available sometimes on ice in your local deli near work and are usually less than coffee and a bagel…just saying.
Simple exercises you can do at home while having a regular day…
*Walk on your toes. It strengthens your calves.
*Prance like a deer and walk on your toes around the house at home. It strengthens your calves and your thighs. It’ll make you smile or even laugh too, which is good for the soul.
*Grab your favorite self-help books, equal in both hands, and do arm pull ups with them, 3 minutes a day. You’ll begin to notice your blouses and shirts fitting like they used to in no time!
*When you’re washing the dishes or loading the dishwasher, run in place, 10 minutes a day. Energy begets energy, you’ll see.
*While you’re sitting watching a movie, sit up as straight, tuck in your tummy and sway from left to right, 5 minutes a day. Keep mindful posture throughout the day and walk like your in as good a shape as you’d like to be, and you will start to look and feel that way. If you’re a little overweight, walk like you’re at a perfect weight. It makes a difference in your attitude.
*Stand straight with legs 2 feet apart, extend both your arms in a straight position, rotate arms in a circular motion small circles first, then larger. Do the same thing rotating in a circular motion, in the opposite direction. Do this for at least 5 minutes a day, though this is the one I do throughout the day as many times as I can, and have for the past several years, except that time I told you about when I put on that weight! This will tone your arms, your neck and is corrective for the double chin or potential double chin action. It also requires you to use your abdomen so there’s indirect effects there, and for your back too. Can you tell this is my, if I’m gonna do any exercises regularly at all, and no I’m not proud that it’s the only one, it’s this one!
*While sitting, make enough room for your legs to be extended in front of you. With your hands at your side, lift both legs up until they reach your lower abdomen, then lower them. Do this 5 or 10 times a day. Your abdomen and your legs will love you for it!
*Stand three feet from a wall. A flat clear of anything wall. Tilt forward (this is for a wall push up) with your arms straight out and your fingers extended. Push against the wall, bending your arms, then straightening them, in succession 10 times, with your feet planted though flexible enough to adjust as needed. This is great for arm, neck and shoulder toning results you can see immediately. It’s basically a wall push up.
Please as we learned in Gym class, stretch before exercising when you can.
I am not a doctor and doing any of these exercises is doing so at your own risk. Please consult your physician about any exercise regiment or plan.