Forget Me Not Hobbies
When I was trying to quit smoking, the specialist I went to asked me what I enjoyed doing. I told her singing, art…painting…writing. She asked me when was the last time I sang. You know, really sang. I said years…a while. She said “Why?” I said, well my CD broke and I haven”t replaced it yet. She said, “Oh, how long has it been broken?” I said, oh about, 5 years! She couldn’t believe it. She could not understand how I could go that long without music, granted there were other ways I could listen to music, but till. I had my own CD’s and more I wanted to buy to boot. She couldn’t believe it and told me to get a new machine, play my CD’s and sing. She asked about my painting and writing and somehow, that neglect was not as chronic. I had managed to dibble and dabble in paint and write a few words every now and then, even if a thought came and I had to write it down on some kind of piece of paper (careful lots of those can add up, now I have a file for them and not everything gets in there). Still. Forget Me Not Hobbies. Really, if you have them, forget them not.
Try engaging a little at a time. Walk into an art store. Any art store, the closest one to your job, home, regular commute or when your out and about. Google the nearest one and walk in there. Do it on your lunch hour if you’re working or plan for it after work.
If that’s too much, go online and look at some art. There are sites listed in the next few sections. Just click on pictures or icons throughout this creative section, and most especially in the Art and Music sections.
If you’re a musician and you have an instrument, dust off it’s case before you go to bed. Let it be your last thought before you sleep. Think about it all day. Plan to get home to get on it.
I don’t play the guitar, have one, practiced once upon a time. For what I’m about to say, it doesn’t matter. Walk into a guitar store. There is just something about it. Really. Try it. Give yourself two weeks to do it. You will be amazed.
If you sing, start humming to yourself. Hum all day long. Get those vocal cords working again. Variate. Dig up your favorite “singing to” music. Go to town!!
Instead of using the television for background noise, put your cable station on your favorite music channels. Turn up the volume. Turn on the radio if you prefer, turn up the volume.
Got old brushes? Clean them, restore the most salvageable. You’re paint is dried up. Find one that isn’t and start with that one. Make a list of the key colors you need and any other basic item to begin. Need an easel, get a little one, start with the small canvas‘. Get excited about it. Let the corners of your mouth rise up!
Your creative area is cluttered. Cleaning is a de-stressor. Clean out your creative section and begin.
Do you write? Find that favorite pen, or writing device, write a short poem, a vignette, a short story. Too much? Write someone a nice letter. Think of story ideas, start an outline.
Enjoy photography. Go to Barnes and Nobles and flip through some photography books, or flip through the ones you already have. Study the art you have hanging up. Think of what’s new out there (everything – soooo much, you’d like to take a photo of).
If that’s not enough. Check out the boat above! It’s a super special boat! I was looking for a good logo for this website when my partner, came across this one. I thought it was the funkiest, most out of the box boat to visually reflect the website. When I read how the boat was created, who did it and why, whew, I was blown away! You can check it out by clicking on the image or click here. That might be all the inspiration you need to pick up that brush, sing that song, write that poem or do whatever you need to do to get on with your whole self. It certainly inspired me to create my tugboat logo using the tools I had (first time ever using Microsoft paint!) and work on any other projects that were waiting in the wind!
I found these on the pavement the other day on my way home!! Beautiful sand art by unknown artists, except the signatures above!