Get a Seat at the Table
1. Think, “Get a Seat at the Table.”
2. Don’t let anyone paint you in a corner or peg you as something you’re
3. Read “Pedagogy of the Oppressed.”
4. Stay away from mutually accessed destruction.
5. Stay away from “us” vs “them” mentality.
6. Develop a mindset of “we.”
7. Do not be afraid to disagree.
8. Say what you mean and don’t say it mean.
9. Mind your manners.
10. Do your job.
11. Remain open to learning.
12. Adapt to change.
13. Remain in the present.
14. Remember, everyone is human.
15. Learn from people you admire AND those you don’t.
16. Don’t just learn it, apply it.
17. Before pointing the finger, point it towards yourself and ask “What
could I have done differently?”
18. Believe, what won’t kill you will make you stronger.
19. Watch your body language.
20. Smile more.
21. Remember there’s strength in admitting mistakes.
22. Do not judge.
23. Respect your elders and everybody else.
24. Remember you are as strong as your “weakest” link.”
25. Become the change you seek.